Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A new day

Okay, went grocery shopping today. Nothing fancy. Tried to take the advice of staying on the outside isles only for the healthier stuff. I am not a big meat eater, fish sometimes and that is about it. I have to admit finding meat substitues isn' the easiest thing, but it can be done. Finding the balance between the protein veggies and the low carb ones takes some training, but once you get the hang of it, it isn't to hard. You have some beans that are high in protein and low in starch or the other way around. As I was standing in the check-out I was think, "okay, here I go". At first I was looking at the whole long year ahead of me. I then though NO, you need to just look at the next minute, the next hour and so on. Don't look at the pick picture will surely fail. Plus I made a decision right there not to call this a diet. It is my "eating right plan", my eating to live plan, not my living to eat plan.

Now that my groceries have been gotten for the rest of the week, no I need to focus on so sort of exercise plan. I am not going to come up with some elaborate plan that I can't stick to. Walking works for me and I know it can work again. About 10 years ago I lost a large amount of weight just by walking, walking 5 days a week and sometimes 6. I don't have no fancy gym to go to, no home gym, just myself, my feet and the road.

I have made a commitment to walk, no certain time, no setting the clock to get up and walk. I want to enjoy this adventure not dread it. So tomorrow is a new day, a new adventure. I have promised myself to write down my good days and my not so good days. I keep reminding myself that that there are going to be obstacles along the way. I can't dwell on them, but I can decided how I will proceed from where I am at that point. I want this to be a meaningful adventure and know I am learning as I go. Someone once told me that God allows U-turns and I am sure there will be many of them along with stops, detour and pauses, but I will continue forward to a new me and a longer life. Okay, until tomorrow and a new day.   

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