Monday, January 9, 2012

A new approach

Okay second week of the new year and have decided I need a little help in sticking to eating right. I thought about appointing someone to nudge me when I thought about eating something I shouldn't or eating more than I should. But then like many people I don't like having people tell me how to eat and what to eat so I shot that idea right out the window. After not coming up with any ideas I let it go for a while. Then the other day while at my Moms she showed me bracelet that she had gotten from the cancer place when she was receiving treatments. It is kind of blue/green. I thought hum blue for water and green for veggies. Wow, perfect reminders to drink more water and eat green veggies. I ask her if I could have it, that I have been looking for something to keep me on tract with my eating right.

So now for about 5 days I have been wearing the blue/green rubber band. I guess it is all a mind game but it is working. Since I am right handed and eat with my right hand I keep it on my right arm as to see it as I put something in my mouth. It is working.

Last night as I started to get the munchies. As I went to the kitchen and started going through the pantry my eye caught the rubber band. The little reminder I needed to stick to the eating right plan I wanted to stick to, so I went over to the fridge grabbed a bottle water and the cucumbers I had already cut up for the munchies and some shredded lettuce. I fixed me a small salad with lettuce and cucumbers and water. The little blue/green band is doing its job. I need to police myself and not have others doing it for me. This is another day and so far so good. My band friend and I are sticking to it.